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G_celecia's Shop

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As a Religious Education and Philosophy teacher, I'm dedicated to igniting intellectual curiosity among my young learners. Through thought-provoking lessons featuring activities, worksheets, and discussion points, I cultivate engaging classroom environments. My goal extends beyond my classroom; I aspire to share these resources with fellow educators to collectively inspire and educate our learners.

As a Religious Education and Philosophy teacher, I'm dedicated to igniting intellectual curiosity among my young learners. Through thought-provoking lessons featuring activities, worksheets, and discussion points, I cultivate engaging classroom environments. My goal extends beyond my classroom; I aspire to share these resources with fellow educators to collectively inspire and educate our learners.
Looking for God - 1.8 Can humans experience God?

Looking for God - 1.8 Can humans experience God?

This lesson delves into the human capacity to experience the presence of God, examining supernatural feelings and the sense of a divine presence overseeing humanity. Drawing comparisons to being alone at home and encountering unexplained phenomena, it prompts discussions on perceiving God’s beauty reflected in the world. Through reflections on nature and the intricacies of creation, students contemplate manifestations of God’s presence in the beauty of the natural world, fostering a deeper understanding of spirituality and interconnectedness with the divine.
God's existence - 1.2 God What are you?

God's existence - 1.2 God What are you?

Explore the essence and being of God in this engaging lesson designed for ages 11-14. Discover playful yet profound perspectives on how God reveals Himself to the world, featuring humor and stimulating discussion. With a variety of images and activities, students delve into the mysteries of divine presence and expression, fostering curiosity and critical thinking in a dynamic learning environment.
Looking for God - 1.1 God where are you?

Looking for God - 1.1 God where are you?

The lesson on “Exploring God’s Location” offers a structured exploration into the theological concept of the divine presence and its implications within religious thought. This pedagogical endeavor aims to engage students in a thoughtful examination of where God may be found and the potential manifestations of the divine, while loosely incorporating perspectives from the Christian tradition. The lesson explores what God could potentially look like and has a range of activities.
Looking for God - 1.3 God as a creating power

Looking for God - 1.3 God as a creating power

Delve into the exploration of God’s creative prowess in this insightful lesson. Investigate the plausibility of a divine creator versus evolutionary processes in shaping the universe. By juxtaposing science and religion, students analyse differing perspectives on the origin of the world, fostering critical thinking and nuanced understanding in an intellectually stimulating environment.
Looking for God - 1.4 Who made God?

Looking for God - 1.4 Who made God?

Embark on a thought-provoking journey into the concept of God’s origins in this captivating lesson. Explore theological and philosophical questions surrounding the existence of a creator for God and the nature of eternal existence. By comparing God’s creation to the creation of time and living things, students analyse complex concepts and ponder whether God or the universe has always existed, fostering deep reflection and critical inquiry.
How does Science explain how the world was created?

How does Science explain how the world was created?

A Year 7 lesson investigating how science might explain how the universe came to exist. In the lesson, students will evaluate the challenges of science versus religious belief, as well as understand how they both can work together. This lesson includes a variety of activities.